How much does a gastroscopy cost?

Gastroscopy, a very important test of the digestive system to diagnose diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Many patients in the clinic will ask the doctor how much it costs to do a gastroscopy. Currently, the cost of a simple gastroscopy is around$200, which is the cost of a routine gastroscopy procedure. However, before the gastroscopy, screening is done, for example, to rule out any heart problems, and the patient needs to be given a routine electrocardiogram. There is also the need to rule out the possibility of infection, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, AIDS, etc. In this case blood will need to be drawn, so this will require the addition of the cost of the blood draw and EKG. The ECG is around$20 and the cost of the blood draw should be around$100, so together it should be around$300. But before the gastroscopy, you also need to use anesthetic and drugs to eliminate air bubbles in the stomach, such as simethicone oil and lidocaine, which together cost about$60-70. So the total cost of the examination and medication needed for gastroscopy should be close to 500 yuan, which is the approximate cost of a regular tertiary hospital. However, if you need to do painless gastroscopy, you also need to pay about 800-1000 yuan for anesthesia.

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