Why is hyaluronic acid metabolized and absorbed quickly?

Hyaluronic acid, one of the well-known synonym of beauty. It has both strong moisturizing effect and perfect wrinkle removal function, and it is also a filling and shaping tool, which makes you “concrete in the hands of God” in 360° without any dead angle. What does the metabolism and absorption of hyaluronic acid have to do with? 1, the different individual conditions, including fat and thin, age can affect the metabolic rate of hyaluronic acid. The metabolism of hyaluronic acid is faster in thin physique than in fat physique, and the metabolism speed of hyaluronic acid is different in different parts of the body at different ages, and the older the skin is, the lower the content of hyaluronic acid and the faster the metabolism. 2. The number of hyaluronic acid injections affects the degree of metabolism, and the metabolic rate is generally higher for the first injection. Hyaluronic acid acts more as a skin water locking molecule, the first injection of skin cells to foreign substances are absorbed faster, after the skin becomes hydrated again after replenishing the needle, the absorption slowed down eventually maintain longer. 3, personal habits: staying up late and drinking will lead to doubly accelerated absorption of hyaluronic acid. Staying up late will lead to skin dehydration and hyaluronic acid being absorbed in large quantities. Drinking will accelerate blood circulation and therefore hyaluronic acid will be lost faster. 4, the injection site and expression activity, the injection site also determines the hyaluronic acid maintenance time. Like the nose, chin and other parts, because of the muscle action less to maintain a relatively long time, the lip and nose furrow, apple muscle and lips is the area of the face often active, hyaluronic acid absorption rate will be relatively fast. 5, hyaluronic acid varieties and quality are different, absorption and metabolism speed is also very different. No matter what product, quality is the most crucial. This is also true for hyaluronic acid. Choose regular hospitals and high-quality products to maintain the effect for a longer period of time, and under the psychological effect, you may also think that hyaluronic acid is absorbed quickly. Second, how to make hyaluronic acid last longer? The loss of hyaluronic acid, the skin will lose the ability to store water, sagging, dry, rough, dull, sunken, collapsed, aging followed. Hyaluronic acid injections through micropigmentation can improve all the skin problems caused by hyaluronic acid loss and return the skin to the baby age. Hyaluronic acid injections are better in small amounts and many times. Injections in small amounts and several times are effective and long-lasting. A person’s face (excluding forehead and temporal area) should have 3-4 injections of hyaluronic acid. The first injection is only 1-2 injections, and then replenished within 1-3 months, the final maintenance time is longer than 4 injections of hyaluronic acid at one time.

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