European-style double eyelids, only these people do look good!

The current very popular hybrid model European style large parallel is actually one of the parallel type double eyelids, characterized by a wider distance between the two folds of the eyelids. This kind of double eyelid looks better with makeup, so many actors and models like it very much, and it also has a more mixed-race look when done. Many candidates come to the hospital for double eyelids with some kind of netizen or celebrity photos specifying that I want this kind of double eyelids. What many people fail to consider is that you may not be suitable for European-style large parallel double eyelids at all, because even with the same piece of clothing, there is a difference between fit and unfit. European-style double eyelids have two distinctive features: they are wider in width and have deep-set eyes. First of all, if you deliberately pursue a width of more than 1cm when cutting your eyelids, you will inevitably shorten the distance between your eyebrows and eyes, but Asian people’s eyebrows and eyes are almost on a plane, so this design can easily make people look old, in addition to wider eyelids will cause staggered adhesions inside the eyelids, and in the long run, due to fatigue of the levator muscle when opening the eyes will cause pseudo-upper eyelid ptosis, which can easily make people look uninspired This can easily make you look unrefreshed. If you want to create the sunkenness of European eyes on Asian faces, you need to remove a lot of orbicularis muscle and orbital fat, which have a physiological function. Too much removal of orbicularis muscle can easily cause incomplete eyelid closure, while too much removal of orbital fat, which protects the eyeball, will weaken its function of protecting the eyeball, thus further increasing local trauma and causing scar adhesions. Currently there are four types of double eyelids: parallel, open fan, crescent, and European and American. European-style double eyelids have two distinctive features: wide and deep-set eyes. The inner corners of the eyes are fully open, and there is no superfluous skin covering the eyes, revealing the entire tear trough. The eyelid shape is basically the same width from the head to the tail of the eye, which is also known as European-style eyes. What kind of people are suitable for it? It requires a certain length of the eyes and a certain height of the upper eyelids when the eyes are open. For example, people who have too narrow eye cleft width, too narrow upper eyelid height, and too flat upper middle face are not suitable. 1. Width of eye fissure: The distance from the inner canthus to the outer canthus (the length of the eye) is too short to be suitable. 2. Upper eyelid height: the distance from the eyelashes to the edge of the brow bone is too short to be suitable. A few more pictures detailing what eye base is suitable for European double eyelids. 1, no canthus Want to have European-style eyes, first of all, can not have canthus. The inner canthus will limit the width of the inner part of the European eyes. Therefore, if you have skin covering the inner canthus, you need to have an eye surgery to match with the formation of European eyes. 2, the eyebrow arch is strong enough The important feeling of European eyes is that the eye socket should be deep ~ that is, the eyebrow bone (arch) should be strong enough! If the eyebrow bone is flat, even if the surgery creates a European style eye, it will look abrupt. 3. Enough eye socket capacity This picture looks a little scary, but it does speak to the rigid needs of European style eyes. European-style eyelids require eyes of a certain length to be able to handle the large parallel European style. So the orbital bone development is born narrower people, the length of the eyes is limited, double eyelids even if you do wide, but the eyes are short, open the eyes will be like bean eyes, round eyes, completely can not show the temperament of the European style eyes, simply put is very mismatched. In general, Asians generally do not have the distinctive contours of Westerners, so the face is relatively flat, no prominent facial contours of people, if they insist on pursuing the European double eyelids like all kinds of Netflix, and wide and large, the effect may be counterproductive, it will look quite abrupt.

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