What’s wrong with a guy’s first pain?

Men’s first sex penis pain, may be related to sexual inexperience, but may also be combined with the phimosis, inflammatory diseases, urinary tract infections and other pathological factors caused.
1. Insufficient sexual experience:
If insufficient foreplay leads to vaginal dryness of the sexual partner, when the male penis repeatedly rubs against the vagina of the woman, it may cause slight pain in the male penis due to less liquid secretion from the woman’s vagina.
2. Pathological factors:
(1) Phimosis: the foreskin of this kind of patients can not be upturned, the glans is more sensitive and can not be completely exposed. Sexual life strong exercise foreskin upturning may cause the glans of the stuck glans obvious pain.
(2) Inflammatory diseases: such as glans, foreskin inflammation, penis congestion during sex, repeated friction produces stimulation, causing pain in the inflammation area.
(3) urinary tract infection: due to lack of attention to personal hygiene and cause local urethra infection, may also appear painful sexual intercourse, can also be accompanied by frequent urination, painful urination, secretion growth and other symptoms.
Men’s first sex penis pain may also be caused by other factors. After excluding the penis pain caused by sexual inexperience, it is recommended that the patient go to the regular hospital in time to find out the cause of the active treatment, so as not to delay the condition.

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