The most obvious signs of fire in infants

The statement “the most obvious manifestation of infant fire” is inaccurate. Infant fire Chinese medicine is considered to be related to the heart and liver fire or stomach fire, often manifested as red eyes, eye boogers, tongue red, mouth ulcers, yellow urine, stool dry and hard, etc. These can occur at the same time. All of these can happen at the same time, there is no obvious manifestation. 1. Red eyes, eye droppings: it is the manifestation of liver fire, infants will appear red eyes, and even increased secretions in the eyes, especially when waking up in the morning, there are eye droppings in the corners of the eyes, and when there are too many of them, they will stick to the eyelids. 2. Red tongue, mouth ulcers, yellow urine: it is a manifestation of heart fire, usually infants with red tongue or tongue edges, easy thirst, mouth ulcers, yellow urine, restless sleep at night, easy to wake up. 3. Dry and hard stools: a manifestation of stomach fire, when the baby pulls the bowel movement with a very painful expression, a very laborious feeling, the stools are very dry and hard, and there is also bad breath and so on. The above is a common manifestation of infant fire, usually should give the baby appropriate water, early bedtime, add supplemental food should be light.

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