Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang, is the dosage of Chai Hu 60 grams large?

The dosage of 60 grams of Chai Hu in Gui Zhi Tang is considered to be a large amount of medication, and the regular dosage of Chai Hu in Tang is 3~10 g. Different dosages of Chai Hu are used for different purposes.
1. When the dosage of Chai Hu is around 3 grams, it is often used to elevate the central qi, which can treat diseases such as qi deficiency and subsidence, and is often used in conjunction with Sheng Ma.
2. When the dosage of Chaihu is around 10 grams, it is often used to treat diseases such as liver qi stagnation, which can dredge up the liver and regulate qi, and is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine formulas such as Free San and Chaihu Hepatopathic San.
3. When the dosage of Chai Hu is more than 15 grams, it is often used to treat cases of heat, which can relieve heat from the skin surface. However, it is not recommended to use large dosage of Chai Hu to formulate a formula for a long period of time, as it is prone to adverse effects such as palpitation and chest tightness.
The dosage of Chai Hu in Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang should be determined under the guidance of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, do not change the dosage on your own to avoid adverse effects.

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