What does it mean to see small, uniform, dense echoes in the ovaries?

The presence of small, uniform, dense echoes in the ovary may be a chocolate cyst. Chocolate cysts are a manifestation of endometriosis, which is the abnormal shedding of the endometrium into the ovaries, and then proliferate to form cysts. In this case, the color ultrasound examination, the appearance of uniform dense small echoes in the ovary. If the ultrasound shows that there are small, uniform and dense echoes in the ovary, it is possible that the cyst is a chocolate cyst, and these small echoes are the calcification points of the cyst (the body’s defensive response to the lesion). You need to pay attention to the review to see if there is any change. null Chocolate cysts are prone to cause menstrual cramps, such as menstrual cramps symptoms are more serious, you need to go to the hospital in a timely manner to confirm the diagnosis. Do not exercise strenuously, pay more attention to rest, regular diet, nutritional balance, do not overeat.

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