What is the use of the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is the largest endocrine organ in the body, located in the front of the neck, and is a gland that can be touched on the surface of the body, and its main function is to secrete thyroxine. Thyroxine function includes the following two major aspects: 1, promote the development of the nervous system; 2, has the function of promoting cell metabolism, promote cell metabolism. The human body is a constant temperature animal, to maintain body temperature nutrients inside the body must be metabolized and burned. If there is a lack of thyroxine, the glucose in the human body cannot be burned to produce heat properly and cannot maintain a normal body temperature. In the case of hypothyroidism, low body temperature, edema of the lower limbs, fear of cold, drowsiness, lazy speech, and poor appetite will occur. In the case of hypothyroidism in infancy, the child will have low intelligence, short stature, abnormal skeletal system development and neurological development, which is called cretinism. Overall, the function of the thyroid gland is to promote the development of the nervous system, the development of the skeletal system, and to maintain normal metabolism in the body.

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