Can you eat crabs after ovulation waiting for implantation?

You can eat crabs after ovulation while waiting for implantation, but in moderation. You can eat crabs during the period of waiting for implantation after ovulation, and eating crabs during this period will not affect the implantation of fertilized eggs, nor will it affect your health. The nutritional value of crabs is very high, which is rich in protein, fat, vitamins, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc and other nutrients, eaten in moderation can replenish the body’s required nutrients to maintain the normal physiological function of the body. Although the nutritional value of crabs is high, it should not be consumed in excess to avoid abdominal pain, diarrhea and other indigestion. People who are allergic to crabs should not consume crabs, so as not to induce rashes, itchy skin, diarrhea and other allergic symptoms. In addition, crab is a high purine food, for gout, hyperuricemia patients are recommended to eat a small amount, so as not to aggravate the condition.

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