What’s wrong with a woman in her 70s who has a vague pain in her right lower abdomen?

Hidden pain in the right abdomen of a woman in her 70s may be caused by chronic appendicitis, right salpingitis, right ureteral stone and other reasons. 1. Chronic appendicitis: it may be caused by improper diet, or infection and other causes of inflammation of the appendix. It can be manifested as vague pain in the right lower abdomen, and may have symptoms such as anorexia and diarrhea. 2. Right salpingitis: caused by pathogens invading into the reproductive system. Commonly caused by gonococcus, mycoplasma, streptococcus, anaerobic bacteria and so on, the ovary appears to be inflammation, appearing in the right lower abdomen hidden pain. 3. Right ureteral stone: due to its own metabolic abnormalities, stones appear in the kidney. When the stone enters the ureter, it can irritate the mucous membrane and cause pain in the right abdomen. In addition to the above, there are other causes of right abdominal pain in women in their 70s. It is recommended to consult a doctor for further examination, to identify the cause with the help of the doctor, and to actively cooperate with the doctor in handling or treating the problem.

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