Can you eat pears in chronic superficial gastritis with erosion?

Chronic superficial gastritis with celiac disease can eat pears in moderation, it is best to choose after a meal and the stomach does not feel uncomfortable, then you can eat in moderation, it is recommended that patients with chronic superficial gastritis with celiac disease to reduce spicy stimulation and cold food intake. Chronic superficial gastritis with erosion usually show abdominal pain, acid reflux and other symptoms, caused by a variety of reasons, but most of them are related to dietary irregularities, but also with other factors that make the gastric mucosa damaged, pears are rich in some of the human body must be vitamins and other nutrients, but pears are more cold, may stimulate the gastric mucosa, so it is recommended to eat in moderation after a meal. Patients with chronic superficial gastritis with erosion should pay attention to regular diet, eat less spicy and stimulating food, you can eat a moderate amount of pears after meals.

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