What to do if your baby has allergy bumps

Allergic bumps on baby’s body are usually recommended to be treated through lifestyle intervention and the use of medication.
1. Lifestyle intervention: when the baby body allergies long goose bumps, it is recommended to timely find allergens, common allergens are seafood, clothing, pollen, etc., allergens identified, the baby should be away from the allergens in a timely manner, and appropriate drink more water.
2. the use of drugs: baby body allergy pimples can also use cetirizine hydrochloride drops, loratadine syrup and other anti-allergy drugs for treatment, local can also use glycerite lotion and other drugs to stop itching, astringent skin.
If the symptoms of allergy pimples on the baby’s body are serious, or if the symptoms continue to be unimproved, the baby should go to the hospital in time for treatment. The above drugs should be used in accordance with medical advice, not self-medication.

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