What’s wrong with the itchy ears?

Itchy inside both ears consider factors such as fungal disease of the external auditory canal, papilloma of the auricle or external auditory canal, chronic diffuse otitis externa. 1. Fungal disease of external auditory canal: such as Aspergillus, Penicillium and Candida infections, mainly manifested as itchy as well as suffocating sensation inside the ear, sometimes it will be particularly itchy, especially at night, but seldom appear the symptoms of ear pain. 2. Auricular or external auditory canal papilloma: it is prevalent in males and associated with viral infection and chronic irritation. Early on, they are mostly asymptomatic, and when they fill the external auditory canal, there may be a sense of obstruction, hearing loss or itching. 3. Chronic diffuse otitis externa: it may manifest as discomfort inside the ear as well as itching of the ear canal, and there may be a small amount of secretion. Itchy inside the two ears may also exist other reasons, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time, improve the relevant examination to clarify the cause, give targeted treatment or treatment.

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