Which foods should not be eaten for intestinal obstruction

Bowel obstruction in the acute attack period any food can not eat, after the operation is recommended to eat some easy to digest food, not to eat not easy to digest food. Intestinal obstruction is an obstacle to the passage of intestinal contents caused by a variety of reasons, in the acute attack period, the patient will have some more serious abdominal pain, vomiting, abdominal distension, inability to defecate or defecate and other symptoms, in the acute attack period is required to fasting and water. Eating can aggravate the symptoms of intestinal obstruction, and if necessary, gastrointestinal decompression, which involves placing a gastric tube through the nostrils and into the stomach to draw out the fluid and gas that has accumulated in the digestive tract, is required. Most cases of intestinal obstruction require surgery. After surgery, you can follow the doctor’s instructions to eat a moderate diet, but you should eat some light and nutritious fluid food, such as porridge, vegetable juice, etc. Avoid spicy and stimulating food, and avoid food that is not easy to digest, such as fried food. Intestinal obstruction should be actively treated, and follow the doctor’s instructions for a reasonable diet.

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