How to treat degenerative arthritis

Degenerative arthritis treatment can be categorized into conservative treatment and surgical treatment, and most of them are based on conservative treatment. 1. Conservative treatment: Degenerative arthritis in the early and middle stages of pain is mainly mild to moderate pain, which may be accompanied by joint swelling and activity limitation. The treatment includes general treatment such as taking proper rest, avoiding weight bearing, keeping warm and avoiding cold. Physical therapy chooses hot compresses, baking electricity, acupuncture, massage and so on. Drugs oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs anti-inflammatory pain relief, such as diclofenac sodium, celecoxib, etc., oral cartilage protection drugs such as glucosamine sulfate. In case of degenerative arthritis of large joints such as knee joints, intra-articular injection of sodium vitrate can also be used for treatment. 2. Surgery: If the degenerative arthritis of the knee joint is in the advanced stage, the pain is severe, and the effect of conservative treatment is not satisfactory, you can choose surgery for treatment, such as artificial knee joint replacement. If the symptoms of degenerative arthritis appear, it is recommended that patients go to the hospital in time to improve the examination and receive regular treatment. The above medications should be used in accordance with medical advice.

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