How to Regulate Yin Deficiency, Spleen Deficiency, Damp Heat

Yin deficiency, spleen deficiency and dampness-heat can be regulated by adjusting diet, taking Chinese herbs and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 1. Adjusting diet: For people with Yin deficiency, spleen deficiency and dampness-heat, adjusting diet is very important. First of all, you should eat less spicy fried, barbecue food. Because this kind of food is easy to help heat and hurt yin. Secondly, you should adjust the structure of your diet. 2. Take Chinese medicine: Yin deficiency, spleen deficiency, dampness and heat is a contradictory state. If you don’t nourish the yin properly, it is easy to aggravate the spleen deficiency and dampness-heat; and if you don’t get rid of the dampness properly, it is easy to hurt the yin. When taking traditional Chinese medicine, you can use products that benefit qi and nourish yin (replenish qi and yin fluids), strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness (expel dampness by replenishing the spleen), such as Atractylodes macrocephala, Huang Jing, Coix lacryma, red kidney beans, Zhi Mu and so on, and the prescription can be used in the form of Sen Ling Bai Ju San combined with Scutellaria baicalensis Tang and so on. 3. Healthy habits: Maintaining good habits, first of all, is regular work and rest. Because irregular work and rest, such as staying up late for a long time, can easily deplete the yin fluid. In addition, learn to talk when you encounter things, to avoid worry and anxiety caused by overthinking. This is because thinking hurts the spleen, and excessive thinking is not conducive to the recovery of the spleen qi. If there is a need for medication, it should be used under the guidance of a doctor, and should not be used blindly on its own to avoid adverse consequences.

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