The untold secrets of Chinese medicine: different dosage usage of Chinese medicine

The secret of Chinese medicine is that dozens of different doses of Chinese herbs are used Gypsum: to clear the air, up to 600 grams a day, the key is to know the evidence; Shengdi: to cool the camp, the extreme amount of 800 grams; Zao Ren: to calm the sleep, the maximum 180 grams; Ginseng: to strengthen the heart, to save the emergency 30 grams; the common dose of ginseng is 3 to 9 grams, when used to get rid of the evidence, the dosage is up to 30 grams or more; Rhubarb: to excrete urine poison, available 30 grams; Ephedra: to stop the violent asthma, 30 grams. 30 grams divided; Poria: seepage of stubborn water 500 grams; Poria: swelling 120 grams; Tu Fu Ling: detoxification 240 grams; Red peony: treatment of acute yellow 120 grams up; Rutabaga: cooling 120 grams no worries; Kudzu: lowering sugar 90 grams non-toxic; Mandarin: treatment of pharynx 30 grams safe; fishy grass: mixed with cold dishes, Allium can be used as a small dish. Atractylodes macrocephala: commonly used amount of 6 to 10 grams can strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea, large doses with up to 30 to 60 grams, it can benefit the qi and laxative. Safflower: less can nourish the blood, a little more can activate the blood, and then more can break the blood. Peppermint: use 3 grams to dredge liver wood, use up to 15 grams to disperse wind-heat and clear the head and eyes. Gui Zhi: dosage of less than 5 grams, to take its role in warming Yang Qi, increase the function of the bladder gasification; with up to 10 grams, then warming the meridians to disperse cold, relieving the muscles and publishing, to get rid of the wind in the table. Cornus officinalis: 90 grams to see the work, must be paired with ginseng. Citrus aurantium: small doses can make the heart excited, large doses make it inhibited. Raw eucommia: 30g or more to cure lumbago miraculously, ineffective then add to 60-90g. Sha Shen: 30g or more to replenish Qi, small dose can slide intestines. Job’s tear: 30g or more for joint pain. Herba Cyperus: 30g or more for treating mouth sores. Raw Astragalus: above 30g tonifies Qi without fuelling fire and has good effect in lowering blood pressure, below 30g elevates Yang and fuels fire. Salvia miltiorrhiza: large doses can treat insomnia Poria: research results found that there is no significant diuretic effect below 25g, at least up to 30g to have a diuretic effect, it is believed that the strongest diuretic effect at 100g. Cicada: commonly used amount of 5 to 6g, the treatment of tetanus requires 25 to 30g white fruit: fixed asthma soup white fruit dosage in 21 (about 25g or so), animal experiments have confirmed that the fixed asthma effect of white fruit reuse in fixed asthma soup is better than the regular dose. Mugwort: commonly used amount can warm menstruation and stop bleeding, large doses can cause liver cell damage and toxic hepatitis 3 to 5g can open the stomach, about 8g warm menstruation and stop bleeding and pain, a large amount causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Betel nut: used to eliminate stagnation, move Qi, water, commonly used dose of 6-15g, and used to kill ginger worms, tapeworms, that is, must be used to 60-120g. Caulophyllum: a small amount is light and up to the top of the upside down, heavy use is through the lower go to the foot and knee. Coix seed: medicine and food, the commonly used dose is limited to 30 grams, while clinically experienced physicians use the drug to treat rheumatism, back and leg pain and other evidence, the drug dosage reached 45 to 90 grams. Xia Ku Cao: the upper limit of the commonly used dose is 15 grams, while the clinical treatment of long-standing thyroid adenoma with the drug, the dosage is generally more than 30 grams. Shengma: contemporary famous doctors in prescription medicine professor deep “Jin Kui Yao” with the true meaning of Shengma, clinical heavy use of Shengma for the treatment of viral hepatitis, but also to take its detoxification of the bias. Huanglian: the most bitter, but the treatment of diabetes – sweet disease special effects, the usual dose of 30 grams per day (30 grams is the basic, with dry ginger to prevent injury to the stomach), and the treatment of diabetic ketosis, the daily dose of up to 120 grams, rapid reduction of sugar. Motherwort: 10-15g for menstrual regulation, according to Zhu Liangchun’s observation, the diuretic effect of motherwort, 30-45g daily is not effective, must be increased to 60-75g to play a significant effect. 90-120g is more effective, often used to treat acute nephritis, swelling of urine, often a dose of knowledge, two doses have. Ochre: 9~18g has the function of subduing stomach and lowering Qi, stopping vomiting and stopping yelp. 24~30g is used for treating actual symptoms of asthma and dizziness and dizziness due to hyperactivity of liver and Yang. Rhubarb: 1-5g has diarrhea-causing effect. Its diarrhea-causing components are glucoside elements, sennoside A and C, mainly anthraquinone derivatives. 3-6g can stop diarrhea, 9-15g can laxative; for the treatment of hepatitis, with the increase in the amount of medication and the time to normalize the indicators shortened, it is believed that 30g can be used as a regular dose. Rhubarb powder 0.3g or less has antidiarrheal effect. The mechanism is that the astringent effect of rhubarb ellagic acid masks the effect of the laxative component which is present in very small amount. The tannin of D-catechin inhibits the production of bacterial enzymes in the large intestine and blocks the production of indoles, thus stopping diarrhea. Zhe Bei Mu: 9-15g, with the function of clearing lung heat, moistening lung agitation, clearing heat and resolving phlegm. It is used in treating external and internal heat cough. 18-30g is used in treating pulmonary carbuncle, lactic carbuncle, scrofula, hairy back and all ulcers and swellings. Radix Panax: Anti-vomiting, dehumidifying 10-15g appetite 15-30g tranquilizing greater than 30g; small dose of 6g to lower rebellion and stomach, medium dose of 15g to dissolve phlegm and open knots, large dose of 30-60g (preferably 30g with ginger and 30g with ginger to start, gradually increasing to 60g) can sedate and relieve pain. Chai Hu: In Xiao Chai Hu Tang, it is the ruler’s medicine, the dosage is more than double that of other medicines (it can penetrate the evil and go out), while in Yi Yao San, it is the minister’s medicine, the dosage is equal to each medicine (it plays the role of detoxifying the liver and relieving depression), in Tonic Zhong Yi Qi Tang, it is the adjuvant medicine, the dosage is very small (to take its function of raising the clear yang, my experience is to use 3-6 grams). Andrographis paniculata: bitter in taste, flat in nature, has a regulatory effect on both cellular and humoral immunity, so it has become a wonderful medicine for rheumatic diseases in recent years. According to “Chinese Materia Medica”, the dosage of its dried product is 6-9 grams, “Chinese Herbal Manual” is mostly 15 grams, a few up to 30 grams, and the amount commonly used in the northeast is also 15-30 grams. But according to Zhu Liangchun experience, to achieve better results, the dosage must be 40 to 50 grams, 30 grams below the effect is not obvious. Astragalus: its diuretic effect is obvious within 20 grams, more than 30 grams tend to inhibit; its effect on blood pressure, within 15 grams can raise blood pressure, more than 35 grams but lowering blood pressure. When there are symptoms of qi deficiency, use roasted astragalus, no qi deficiency symptoms, then use raw astragalus. 40 grams or more to regulate the dynamic balance of blood pressure. In Wang Qingren’s tonic Yang also five soup heavy use to 120g, there are said: astragalus cure atrophy, four two start (16 decimal market weight four two a penny is 3 grams), accompanied by Chen Pi to prevent congestion. Aconite: with up to 15 grams must first fry for about 4 hours, with up to 30 grams must first fry for about 8 hours, after the steam system will not have to fry for so long, with gradually increase to 30 grams is appropriate, the effect should be gradually reduced, more than 30 grams of mega-dose inexperienced best not to use, accidentally can lead to death, aconite pain, 8 two (240 grams) mouth numbness to vomit, the effect of poison two edges; Angelica The actual blood is not only a good way to get rid of the blood stasis, but also a good way to get rid of the blood stasis. For example, Angelica tonic blood soup is composed of 30g of Astragalus, 6g of Angelica, later in the application of the general formula of blood tonic four things soup, Angelica dosage is not more than 10g; Guei Spleen Tang, Eight Precious Soup, the dosage of Angelica is only 3g, and has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, blood circulation and pain relief for the treatment of gangrene, the dosage of Angelica is up to 60g, mainly because of its blood circulation and pain relief; treatment of women after childbirth stasis of blood within the dew can not be, small abdominal The dosage of Angelica sinensis is 24g, which is also used to invigorate blood circulation and relieve pain, and to remove blood stasis and produce new blood. For example, in Buddha’s Hand San, which is used for treating Qi depression and blood stasis in women before and after childbirth, Angelica sinensis is used in two to three dosages to invigorate the blood, so that the stasis can be removed and the blood can return. This shows that angelica is used to invigorate the blood, the dose should be large, available to 15g or more. Previously, it is said that its odor is thick, the line is surplus, the code is insufficient. Therefore, heavy use is more powerful to move the blood. If used to replenish blood, the dose should be light, 3 to 9g can be. Blood deficiency leads to Yin deficiency, Yin deficiency gives rise to deficiency heat, Angelica odor is pungent and warm and active, heavy use will lead to blood, do not use, otherwise it is counterproductive, the patient after taking every dry mouth, irritability, insomnia, dizziness more intense, and even epistaxis. Hossein: the treatment of wind-cold surface evidence of the dose is generally used 3 grams, up to 9 grams. But when the use of pseudostellaria for the treatment of various types of pain, the dosage is often very large, sometimes up to 30 grams, or even larger. Obviously, when the wind-cold table evidence with a very large dose of pseudostellaria, not only in the evidence is not beneficial, and will cause adverse reactions; on the contrary, if the analgesic effect of pseudostellaria, and with the usual dose, is obviously a drop in the bucket, the pain is not helpful. The upper limit of the common dose is 9 grams, but clinically, when the drug is used with other Chinese medicines to treat various types of advanced malignant tumor diseases, the daily dosage reaches 45-75 grams, which is 5-8.33 times the upper limit of the authoritative dose. Chuanxiong: A small dose can strengthen the contraction of the uterus, but a large dose instead numbs the uterus. The dosage of Chuanxiong Ligusticum should be light: up to 4 grams, for headache from external sensation, heavy: 9-12 grams for headache from liver and yang in hypertension, and heavy: up to 30-40 grams for headache from blood stasis, which has been considered an important medicine for headache for many generations. It has been said in the past that “Chuanxiong must be used for headache”. Chuanxiong is pungent and warm in nature, activates blood circulation, dispels wind and relieves pain, and is often used clinically to treat blood stasis headache. In Wang Qingren’s Blood Mansions and Blood Stasis Soup for the treatment of blood stasis headache, Chuanxiong is often used in the formula with a dosage of 15-30 g. In Chen Shiduo’s “Records of the Identification of the Hundred Diseases” for the treatment of migraine headache, Chuanxiong is also used in the formula with a dosage of 30 g. If the dosage of Chuanxiong is reduced, the treatment will not be effective. If Chuanxiong is used to treat hypertensive headaches, it should also be used in large doses, 10-15 g. As long as there is stagnation in the blood, regardless of whether the headache is caused by hypertension or hypotension, the bold use of Chuanxiong not only has a good effect on pain relief, but also has a corresponding effect on blood pressure regulation. The dosage should not be too much, usually 4.5-6g, but for the treatment of intractable headache, the dosage should be large, with an effective amount of 30g or more, up to 45g, for an immediate effect! According to recent pharmacological studies, large doses of Chuanxiong can lower blood pressure, while small doses can raise it. It has been suggested that Chuanxiong is pungent, warm and aromatic, moving up the head and eyes, and should be used with caution in patients with hypertension. However, Chinese medicine believes that this product has a two-way effect of moving up to the head and eyes and down to the sea of blood. Chuanxiong 15 g mulberry leaf 45 g. Such a dose and combination is miraculously effective in treating vascular headache. In the Pharmacopoeia, the daily dose of Scutellaria baicalensis is 3-9 grams, and that of Chuanxiong rhizome is 3-9 grams, while the dose of Scutellaria baicalensis in the “Qianjin Yi Fang” for the treatment of gonorrhea and downward blood flow is four taels per day, which translates into a metric system of 57.68 grams, which is obviously far beyond the upper limit of the authoritative prescribed dose of Scutellaria baicalensis, which is generally 30-45 grams per day. The daily dose of Chuanxiong Ligusticum in the Xiao Pin Fang for the treatment of women’s avalanche is eight taels, equivalent to 115.36 grams, which is also clearly a very large dose. The common dose of ginseng is 3 to 9 grams, and when used for dehiscence, its dosage is up to 30 grams or more on. Lycopodium and Sophora: 30g or more to lower blood pressure.

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