Proprietary Chinese medicines for regulating Yin deficiency with internal heat and heavy phlegm-dampness

Chinese patent medicines for regulating Yin deficiency and internal heat with heavy phlegm-dampness include Da Tonic Yin Pill and Er Chen Pill. 1. Great Yin Tonic Pill is composed of Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Rhizoma Zhi Mu, Rhizoma Cyperus Rotundus, Radix et Rhizoma Gastrodiae, Radix et Rhizoma Viniae, Radix et Rhizoma Porcellae, and is used for treating yin deficiency and fire exuberance, hot flashes and night sweating (sweating abnormally after falling asleep, but sweating stops after waking up), coughing, and spermatorrhea. The adverse reactions and contraindications of this drug are not clear. It should not be taken by patients with fever and cold. Avoid indigestible food while taking the medicine. 2. Er Chen Wan is composed of Chen Pi, Pinellia, Poria and Glycyrrhiza glabra, which has the efficacy of drying dampness and resolving phlegm (expelling dampness and dissolving phlegm by drying dampness), regulating qi and harmonizing the stomach, and can be used for coughing and phlegm caused by phlegm-dampness stagnation, distension of the chest and epigastric region, nausea and vomiting. The adverse reactions and contraindications of the drug are not clear. Avoid smoking, alcohol and spicy, cold and greasy food during the medication. If there is a need for medication, it is recommended to use the drug under the guidance of a professional physician, and not blindly self-medication. If discomfort occurs after taking the drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time and adjust the treatment according to the doctor’s instructions.

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