What foods you can eat for Yin deficiency and internal heat

Yin deficiency and internal heat can eat black beans, honey, maitake, pig’s brain and other foods as well as lotus seed porridge, lily porridge, maitake porridge and other therapeutic prescriptions.
Yin deficiency and internal heat can eat black beans, honey, maitake, pears, pork, sugar cane, tofu, mulberries, sesame seeds, soymilk, bird’s nest, milk, duck meat, black sesame seeds, pine nuts, bananas, white fungus, tomatoes, clam meat, duck eggs and other foods. You can also process these foods into dishes, almond tofu, sesame spinach and so on.
Yin deficiency and internal heat can be treated with food prescriptions such as Autumn Pear and White Lotus Root Juice Drink; Lotus Seed Congee; Lily Congee; Maitake Congee; Black Sesame Congee; Pueraria Mirifica Powder Congee; and Sweet Syrup Congee. You can also drink medicinal tea, such as maitake pomelo tea.
Yin deficiency and internal heat should use clear tonic products, nourishing Yin and clearing heat, nourishing Yin and regulating qi and strengthening the spleen, the above food is only an auxiliary role, not a substitute for the use of drugs, if you are not feeling well, it is recommended to go to the hospital, by the doctor for treatment.

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