How to regulate Yin deficiency with food therapy

“Yin deficiency includes heart yin deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, liver yin deficiency, and lung yin deficiency, and the specific dietary treatments for patients with different conditions vary and change. Optional medicinal foods include lily of the valley, sea cucumber, goji berries, and silver ear. However, food therapy can play a limited medicinal effect, can not replace the drug treatment.
Heart yin deficiency patients can consider using lily, asparagus type of food cooking; kidney yin deficiency patients, it is recommended to eat more sea cucumbers, Colla Corii Asini class blood and flesh sentient products nourishing kidney yin; liver yin deficiency can be considered to use goji berries for the medicinal food conditioning; lung yin deficiency patients can be considered to use pears, ginkgo, lotus root nourishing yin and moistening lungs and dryness medicines, medicinal food food for medicinal food collocation.
Lily has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, clearing the heart and tranquilizing the mind. Asparagus has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, clearing the lungs and generating fluids, and should be taken with caution by people with cold spleen and stomach, or those who have little food and loose stools (thin and unshaped feces). Sea cucumber has the effect of tonifying the kidney, nourishing the blood and moistening dryness; chrysanthemum can dispel wind and clear heat, calm the liver and clear the eyes, and remove heat and toxins. Be cautious if you have a deficiency of qi and cold stomach, or if you have little food and diarrhea.
Chinese wolfberry has nourishing the liver and kidney, benefit the essence of the efficacy of the purpose; pear has a moistening lung cough, clearing heat and detoxification; silver fungus can nourish yin, moistening the lungs and promote the production of fluids; lotus root can strengthen the spleen and open the stomach, in the clearing of heat and cooling the blood.
Decoction of these foods to regulate yin deficiency, the dosage and method should follow the doctor’s instructions. Food therapy can play a limited medicinal effect, can not replace the drug treatment, such as discomfort, but also need to consult a doctor.

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