How long does it take to recover from yin deficiency fever

Clinically, there is no precise regulation on the recovery time of yin deficiency fever, and the recovery time is relatively short for patients with mild condition and longer for patients with more severe condition and longer duration of illness. Yin deficiency fever refers to the loss of yin fluid and deficiency of yin essence, resulting in the internal growth of deficiency fire (the lack of yin fluid in the body leads to the production of fire-heat evil), and the failure of water to control fire, and the emergence of hot flashes (a burst of fever), heat in the hands, feet and heart, vexation (irritability and sultriness), and night sweating (abnormal sweating after falling asleep, and stopping of sweating after waking up), which may be caused by overexertion, prolonged illnesses, and dietary indiscretions, among others. Yin deficiency fever can usually be cured with active treatment. Yin deficiency fever can be treated with drugs that nourish yin and clear heat (nourish yin essence and clear away heat), such as Da Tonic Yin Pill and Zhi Bai Di Huang Pill. Adverse effects of Dazhongyin Pill are not clear, and it is contraindicated in diabetic patients. The adverse effects and contraindications of Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan are not clear. Clinically, there is no precise regulation on the recovery time of patients with yin deficiency fever, but the treatment of yin deficiency fever requires the application of drugs under the guidance of a doctor, not self-medication.

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