How to treat Yin deficiency, internal heat, Qi and blood deficiency

Yin deficiency and internal heat (fever caused by a deficiency of yin fluid in the body, resulting in water that does not control fire) People with deficiency of qi and blood need to be treated with medicines that nourish yin and clear away heat (nourish yin fluid and clear away heat), nourish yin and lower fire (nourish the yin essence and lower the fire), and benefit qi and replenish blood (replenish the body’s qi and blood). Under the guidance of a doctor, treatment can be carried out by using Six-flavored Di Huang Pills, Zuo Gui Pills, and Qi and Blood Replenishing Pills, among others. 1. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan: It has the function of nourishing yin and tonifying the kidneys, and can be used to treat spermatorrhea, dizziness, and lumbar and knee soreness (a feeling of soreness and weakness in the lumbar and knee regions) caused by kidney yin deficiency. It is prohibited for those who are allergic to its ingredients and should be used with caution by patients with colds. 2. Zuo Gui Wan: It has the function of nourishing the kidney and tonifying yin, and can be used for the treatment of Shen Fei Lian (mental exhaustion and physical weakness), dry mouth, lumbar soreness and weakness of the knees caused by the deficiency of true yin. It is forbidden for pregnant women and children, and should not be taken by patients with cold and flu, and avoid greasy food during the period of taking. 3. Qi and Blood Double Replenishment Pill: It has the function of replenishing qi and nourishing blood, and can be used for the treatment of qi deficiency and blood deficiency caused by less qi and laziness (lack of strength, don’t want to talk), yellowish color (yellowish color without luster), irregular menstruation and so on. Specific Chinese medicine identification as well as the use of medication with, should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, the patient should not unauthorized use of drugs.

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