Heel pain is kidney yin deficiency or yang deficiency

Heel belongs to the category of “paralysis” and “heel pain” in Chinese medicine, the occurrence of this disease is related to trauma, wind and cold, patient’s body weight and other factors, and it is impossible to determine whether it is kidney yang deficiency or kidney yin deficiency based on one symptom only. It should be determined by a professional doctor according to other clinical symptoms. If the symptoms are obvious and accompanied by other symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time to make a clear diagnosis. When the patient lives in a damp place for a long time, frostbite, cold, sleeping in the open air, sleeping in the wind, heavy rain, working in the water or sweating in and out of the water, etc., the external evil injected into the muscle coupled with the meridians and stranded in the joints and tendons, which can lead to heel pain. Heel pain can also occur when the patient has a history of ankle sprains and is overweight. Kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency should be judged according to the performance of the patient, such as kidney yang deficiency, see the waist and knees cold, cold libido, nocturia and fear of cold, fatigue (mental fatigue, physical fatigue), etc.; kidney yin deficiency, see the lumbar soreness, lumbar pain, spermatorrhea, menstruation, dizziness, tinnitus, and heartburn and insomnia, sweating in the night, and thinning, etc.. It is recommended that patients should seek timely medical treatment and be diagnosed by a doctor for evidence-based diagnosis.

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