What is Yin deficiency, Yang deficiency, Qi deficiency, Blood deficiency

1, the body is divided into four types of deficiency: Qi deficiency, blood deficiency, Yin deficiency, Yang deficiency: 1, Qi deficiency Qi deficiency of the body’s main manifestations are less lazy, general fatigue and weakness, low voice, shortness of breath, easy to sweat, dizziness and palpitations, yellow face, loss of appetite, false fever, spontaneous sweating, prolapse, prolapse of the uterus, light and fat tongue, tongue edge with teeth marks, weak pulse, etc., for the function of decompensation, not necessarily a disease, Qi deficiency need to supplement the Qi, Qi supplement drugs Ginseng, astragalus, party ginseng, etc. can be used. Qi deficiency food: beef, chicken, pork, glutinous rice, soybeans, white lentils, dates, carp, carp, quail, eels, shrimp, mushrooms, etc. Can often alternate the selection of clothing. Items to avoid for Qi deficiency: hawthorn, bergamot, betel nut, garlic, skunk cabbage, radish tassel, coriander (cilantro), turnip greens (daikon), pepper, wicker, middle finger, perilla leaf, mint, lotus leaf. Avoid or eat less: buckwheat, grapefruit, tangerine, kumquat, kumquat cake, orange, water chestnut, raw radish, ground skull, mustard, allium, junda cabbage, sandy nuts, chrysanthemum, tea, and tobacco and alcohol. Corresponding meals: Huai Shan lily and lotus seed soup; ginseng and herbs confit squab; five spice beef; peanut rice and jujube roasted pig’s feet. 2, blood deficiency The main manifestations of blood deficiency body is atrophy and pale face, lips and claws pale white, dizziness and weakness, eyes and palpitations, insomnia and dreaminess, dry stools, women’s menstrual transgressions, small amount of color, light tongue, slippery moss and less fluid, weak pulse, etc.: tonic should be used to nourish blood, blood, blood method, blood tonic drugs can be used angelica, Agaricus, rehmannia, mulberry seeds, etc.. Blood deficiency food: black bone chicken, black sesame, walnut meat, longan meat, chicken, pig blood, pig liver, brown sugar, adzuki beans, etc., can often be used alternately. Items to avoid for blood deficiency: water chestnut, garlic. Corresponding meals: chicken with angelica and cooked earth and black bone; beef brisket with wai shan in pot; fish with wai chrysanthemum; rose wai chrysanthemum dew. Avoid or eat less: seaweed, grass cardamom, lotus leaf, white wine, mint, chrysanthemum, betel nut, raw radish, etc. The main manifestations of Yin deficiency are: fear of heat, irritability, cheeks on fire, dry mouth and sore throat, dry stools, short red or yellow urine, tongue with little fluid, five hearts (two hands, two feet and the top of the head), night sweats, back pain, dreaming and slippery sperm, red tongue, thin coating or light flaking, thin pulse, etc. It is advisable to use Yin tonic, Yin nourishment, Yin nourishment, etc. The medicine for Yin deficiency can be used as raw earth, maitong, yu zhu, pearl powder, silver fungus, cordyceps, dendrobium, turtle plate, etc. Foods for Yin deficiency: turtle, bird’s nest, lily, duck, black fish, jellyfish, lotus root, golden needle mushroom, Chinese wolfberry head, water chestnut, raw pear, etc., can often be taken alternately. Items to avoid for Yin deficiency: pepper, cinnamon. Avoid or eat less: dog meat (forbidden for cerebrovascular patients), mutton (forbidden for hepatitis patients), bird meat, seahorse, sea dragon, roe deer, potpourri, fried peanuts, fried soybeans, fried melon seeds, popcorn, lychee, longan meat, bergamot, prunes, garlic, leek, mustard, chili, allium, ginger, sand, wicker, grass cardamom, pepper, cardamom, aniseed, cumin, clove, mint, white wine, cigarette red ginseng, cistanches, lockjaw, etc. Corresponding meals: Golden Pot Rich Tofu; Huai Cuisines Small Bundle of Pork; Huai Ju Ju Ju Dates Silver Ear Soup; Snapper Huai Beef Knee Soup; Farmer’s Roast Fish; Huai Cuisines One Piece Elbow; Golden Pot Rich Tofu; Huai Shan Simmered Earth Chicken; Ginseng Simmered Squab; He Shou Wu Simmered Pork Liver. 4, Yang deficiency also known as Yang deficiency fire failure, is the further development of Qi deficiency, Yang deficiency of the body’s main manifestations are; in addition to the manifestations of Qi deficiency, usually afraid of cold, the limbs are not warm, like hot drinks, body temperature is often low, lumbar soreness and leg weakness, impotence and premature ejaculation, cold pain in the abdomen, weakness, urine is not conducive, the tongue is light and pale, the coating is white, the pulse is sunken and so on. It is advisable to tonify Yang, benefit Yang and warm Yang. The medicine for Yang deficiency can be red ginseng, deer antler, eucommia, cordyceps, cinnamon, sea horse, etc. Food for Yang deficiency: yellow beef, dog meat, mutton, beef whip, sea cucumber, tamari, pecan meat, cinnamon, quail, eel, shrimp, leek, cinnamon, fennel, etc., can be often alternately selected. Items to avoid for Yang deficiency: duck meat, rabbit meat, otter meat (water dog meat), melon. Avoid or eat less: duck blood, duck egg, aconite, milk, yogurt, snapper, crab, snail, whelk, mussel, clam, persimmon, persimmon cake, grapefruit, tangerine, banana, fig, watermelon, green bitter melon, groundnut, vegetable melon, raw root, raw radish, loofah, winter melon, purple cabbage, ground ear, enoki mushroom, straw mushroom, fallow mushroom, Ulva, hairy greens, junta, roselle, water chestnut, chrysanthemum brain, mint, honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, Sophora japonica, etc. Corresponding meals: sea horse and Wai tonic chicken; three whips Wai tonic concave waist soup; leek and Wai tonic shrimp; stir-fried loin flower; long-life confit old duck. 5, two deficiencies The body deficient also often appear two deficiencies of the body, two deficiencies of the body have the following kinds: gas and yin two deficiencies: both gas and yin deficiency, its main performance is; both dizziness, weakness, leg weakness and other gas deficiency performance, but also rising fire, dry throat, tongue red and other yin deficiency performance, but no chronic diseases, this physique is called gas and yin two deficiencies of the body, tonic should be used to benefit gas and nourish yin tonic method, that is, in the tonic should be considered at the same time to replenish gas and yin. Yin and Yang deficiency: Yin deficiency and Yang deficiency are called Yin and Yang deficiency. The main manifestations of Yin and Yang deficiency are: fear of cold and heat, fear of cold in winter and fear of heat in summer. Qi and blood deficiency: Qi and blood deficiency is usually found in anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, after hemorrhage, women with excessive menstruation, etc. The main manifestations are both Qi and blood deficiency, so it is appropriate to use Qi and blood tonic, Qi and blood tonic. Corresponding meals: Qi and Blood: Carp and tofu soup; Qi and Blood double tonic soup; medicinal chicken. Second, according to different body types, there are four different kinds of dietary supplements: ordinary supplements: can be consumed by both healthy and sick people. It can help maintain health and life: such as cereals, beans, dairy, fruits and vegetables. These foods are calm and can be consumed by women with Yin deficiency, Yang deficiency, Qi deficiency and Blood deficiency. Warm tonic: refers to food with warm and hot properties, such as beef, mutton, eels, sweets, red dates, cinnamon, lychees and spicy products of onion and ginger. Women who are afraid of cold in winter often eat these types of food can help to raise the fire, improve the feeling of cold, thus strengthening the body. Clear tonic: refers to the food of cold nature, such as pear, raw lotus root, celery, lily, mung beans, cucumber, snails, snails, etc., has a clear fire effect. Warming and dispersing: refers to foods with hot and pungent taste, such as chili, cinnamon, mustard, coriander, pepper, etc. This kind of food has a warm Yang dispersal effect, in the cold winter, often used to protect the cold and dehumidification. Third, women’s winter tonic should start with the adjustment. The body should be balanced inside and outside, so that the body is kept in a state of smooth flow of Qi and blood, and then determine the need for tonic according to the situation. Women’s physiological characteristics are different from men’s. Blood is the most important for women, so the key to winter tonic is to regulate blood, but it should be applied according to different conditions. 1, women with Qi deficiency Women with Qi deficiency often show symptoms such as weakness, pale face, fatigue, leucorrhea, irregular menstrual cycle, etc. Tonic tip: Use some qi tonics to regulate, such as ginseng, astragalus, atractylodes, red dates, licorice used to stew chicken or ribs to replenish qi. Ginseng should be taken at home with extra care, in small doses and in short courses, and it is best to consult a doctor before taking it. Women with qi deficiency should eat more radish, dates, pork ribs and other qi-supplementing foods in the autumn and winter seasons; in the medicinal tonic, you can drink the “four gentlemen soup” prepared by astragalus, ginseng, atractylodes, licorice. 2, anemia or blood deficiency in women The majority of women have symptoms of blood deficiency, such as frequent dizziness, blurred eyes, dull face, insomnia, dreamy, irregular menstruation, and other phenomena, and blood deficiency, often thin, poor physical quality. Tonic tips: usually can often eat blood nourishing food, such as spinach, black beans, carrots, golden needles, lotus root, black fungus, chicken, pork, mutton, sea cucumber, etc.; fruit can choose mulberry, grapes, red dates, cinnamon, etc.. At the same time, it can also be combined with Chinese herbal medicines, commonly used blood tonic herbs are angelica, saffron, rehmannia, Chuanxiong, white peony, gum, etc.. Use these herbs and blood food together to make a delicious meal, such as angelica ginger lamb soup, gum stewed yellow wine, four chicken soup, etc., all have a very good effect on nourishing blood. For women suffering from irregular menstruation and excessive menstrual flow, Chinese herbs such as ginseng, angelica, Chuanxiong and astragalus can be used, as well as Chinese medicines such as Wuji Baifeng Pill and Agaricus tonic blood syrup. Eat more sea cucumber, fish and shrimp, red dates, kiwi, grapes, cinnamon, sesame, spinach and other foods in daily life. 3, women who are afraid of cold In the cold season, many women feel cold all over their body, especially the hands, feet and other peripheral parts. Menopausal women are even more, every winter especially afraid of cold, medically known as cold sensory disease. Tonic tips: women who are afraid of cold should eat more mutton, beef, dog meat, chicken, quail, garlic, chili, ginger, cilantro, onions, cinnamon, chestnuts and other warm foods to help protect against the cold. You can also eat more foods that contain more iodine, such as kelp, jellyfish, seawater fish, shrimp skin, etc. Should actively participate in appropriate physical exercise, especially women engaged in sedentary or sedentary work, should pay attention to physical activity, more hand, foot and waist exercises. There are four types of deficiencies in the human body: physical deficiency, yang deficiency, blood deficiency and yin deficiency, and according to the different types of deficiencies, proper deficiency remedies should be selected in a targeted manner. But the human body in the process of life activities, qi, blood, yin and yang are interdependent, mutual influence, in general, qi deficiency and yang deficiency, indicates the decline of the body’s activity capacity, yang deficiency and qi deficiency, and qi deficiency is also easy to lead to yang deficiency; yin deficiency and blood deficiency, indicates the depletion of the body’s essence, blood and fluid, yin deficiency and blood deficiency, and blood deficiency is also easy to lead to yin deficiency. Therefore, Qi and Blood deficiency, Yin and Yang deficiency is also a common disease, the treatment should be the use of Qi and Blood, Yin and Yang medicines, the so-called Qi and Blood double tonic, Yin and Yang and tonic method. In addition, qi can produce blood and also produce fluid, so qi deficiency and yin and fluid deficiency are often treated with qi tonics and blood tonics or yin tonics, that is, the method of tonifying qi and producing blood and benefiting qi and producing fluid.

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