Manifestations of Yin deficiency and internal heat

Yin deficiency and internal heat may be manifested by low-grade fever, afternoon hot flashes, five heart-heat (heat in the two palms and two feet, and self-consciousness of the heart and chest), and insomnia.
Yin deficiency internal heat refers to deficiency of yin fluid and internalized deficiency heat. Mostly due to Yin fluid injury, Yin deficiency and hyperactivity of Yang, deficiency heat and fire. Generally speaking, Yin deficiency and internal heat are characterized by systemic signs of deficiency heat. For example, the five heart heat, bone vapor tide heat (a burst of heat, feel the heat from the bone to the outside of the penetration of the heat), facial baking heat, emaciation, night sweating (sleep sweating abnormally, waking up sweating to stop), and so on.
When the patient has the above symptoms, he should go to the regular hospital in time, and be treated by a professional doctor to identify the symptoms, do not self-medication, in order to avoid adverse consequences.

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