What should I pay attention to when taking Chinese medicine?

Taking Chinese medicine has become one of the common treatment measures for patients with chronic diseases, but in the usual outpatient work often encounter patients ask some questions related to Chinese medicine, relatively concentrated problems here to make a unified answer: 1, about the decoction pot problem: in the past, decoction with copper pot and sand pot effect, comprehensive information and clinical decoction practice in recent years, stainless steel pot has become the main material for decoction pot, the current application Still safe, in the past, the material industry is not developed years, casserole and copper pot is relatively stable, not easy to react with the drug material, there is a small possibility that there will be pot material dissolved into the liquid, the development of modern materials work, to provide us with better materials, so qualified stainless steel pot is still the main material for industrial decoction and processing of proprietary Chinese medicine equipment, can be used for home decoction of Chinese medicine. 2, about the length of time to take Chinese medicine: this is one of the most difficult questions to answer, so the length of time to take medicine is related to the disease, some diseases frequently change the formula instead of the efficacy, because the efficacy has not yet appeared to change the formula, change around to affect the efficacy. If the situation allows, drugs with the same or similar efficacy can be used alternately. 3. Regarding the potential damage of Chinese medicine to the human body: both ancient and modern Chinese believe that all drugs have their own bias. The needed bias is used to treat diseases, and when it is not needed, it may be toxic. In general, in the case of single herbs, most of the target-specific effects are not as strong as those of western drugs, and all the associated adverse effects have a high probability of being less than those of western drugs. However, although Western drugs have clear side effects that can be found to be avoided, there are actually still significantly more adverse reactions occurring than in Chinese medicine. Chinese medicines also have some side effects, especially toxic Chinese medicines, and if they are needed for treatment, they should be used appropriately for their toxicity, otherwise they should not be used. Adverse reactions of common Chinese medicine are still generally lower than those of chemical drugs. Even if we all think that Chinese medicine is safe, there are still adverse reactions, so we should pay attention to the use of medicine. First, we should develop the habit of changing the variety of Chinese medicine regularly and not taking a certain drug for a long time; second, we should strengthen the monitoring of adverse reactions and regularly check the liver and kidney functions; we should not repeat the use of medicine and not take the drugs that are not necessary to take, and it is important to use less medicine and use more precise medicine. Chinese medicine and Western medicine, there are some adverse drug reactions with specific body genetic defects, metabolic enzyme deficiency, but it is not clear, the specific body reactions appear like anaphylaxis with penicillin, its not occurring before is almost unpredictable.

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