How to regulate liver and kidney yin deficiency in women

Women with liver and kidney yin deficiency (insufficient yin in the liver and kidneys) can use medicines that nourish the liver and kidneys, such as wolfberry and chasteberry, plus pork liver and other ingredients to make medicinal diets to regulate their diets, or take medicines internally to treat the condition. Women due to menstruation with fetus and childbirth and other reasons, resulting in liver, kidney, yin and blood deficiency is common, often manifested as dizziness, dry eyes, tinnitus and deafness, two hypochondriacs hidden pain, lumbar and knee soreness (lumbar and knee soreness and weakness of the feeling), five heart heat (two hands and two feet of the heart fever, and consciously feel the heart and chest hot), menstruation, such as small amount of symptoms. If the above symptoms occur, medicines that nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish yin and nourish blood (nourish the blood in the body), such as chasteberry, wolfberry, white peony, and ripened dihuang, can be used to make medicinal diets by decocting and steaming pig and chicken livers to tonify the liver and kidneys. The medicinal diet should also prevent nourishment and greasiness from hindering the stomach, etc., and can add Chen Pi, hawthorn and other qi elimination drugs as appropriate. If the liver and kidney yin deficiency is serious, it should be treated with medication, such as the use of Qiju Di Huang Pills and other additives and subtractions. Specific drugs should be taken under the guidance of a physician as prescribed by the doctor, and should not be used without authorization.

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