How long can you live if you have a total gastrectomy?

  The survival time of patients after total gastrectomy cannot be generalized and is related to their specific condition, physical quality and other factors.  Generally speaking, after total gastrectomy for benign gastric diseases, if the patient’s body recovers well, the survival time is usually no different from that of normal people. In the case of early stage gastric cancer, small tumor, no lymph node metastasis and good health, if the patient follows the medical advice after surgery, he/she can also get a long-term survival time. If gastric cancer reaches the middle and late stage, the five-year survival rate is about 20% after total gastric resection. For those who are in poor health and have not undergone radiotherapy after surgery, gastric cancer can easily recur, and the survival period of patients at this time is about 6-12 months.  Patients should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, establish a strong will, avoid eating cold and spicy food, eat more easily digestible food with high nutritional value, and have regular review after surgery.

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