What causes blocked veins in the eyes

Retinal vein occlusion is usually caused by hypertension or hyperlipidemia. In patients with hypertension, the retinal arteries become thinner and stiffer, and the intersection of the retinal arteries and veins tends to compress the veins, leading to thinner vein diameters and the formation of blood clots, resulting in retinal vein embolism. In diseases such as hyperlipidemia, the blood is sticky and the walls of the blood vessels are easily damaged, which may also cause the retinal veins to form thrombi and become obstructed. Once retinal vein occlusion occurs, patients will have symptoms such as vision loss, visual field defects, and distorted vision, etc. They should go to the ophthalmology department of the hospital in a timely manner and have a detailed funduscopic examination to confirm the diagnosis.

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