What’s the reason for the tongue being a little hard?

Tongue stiffness may be caused by vascular disease, neurological abnormality or medication factors, which need to be determined according to the clinical manifestations and examination to determine the cause.
1. Vascular diseases: Inflammation of the tongue root may lead to vascular lesions in the nerve endings, or local circulatory abnormalities, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the tongue, causing abnormal sensation and stiffness of the tongue.
2. Systemic diseases: Menopausal syndrome, burning mouth syndrome and other systemic diseases may cause numbness of the tongue, stiffness of the tongue and abnormal swallowing sensation.
3. Drug factors: when taking certain drugs will produce some adverse reactions, such as tongue stiffness. This can be seen in streptomycin and gentamicin, when taking such drugs can be used together with drugs to improve blood circulation.
There may also be other reasons for the stiffness of the tongue, such as cerebrovascular disease, there will also be a stiff tongue, inflexible performance. Specific causes need to go to the hospital to do a detailed oral and general examination to be clear.

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