What is the efficacy of Er Chen Pills?

Er Chen Wan is an expectorant with the effects of resolving phlegm-dampness, harmonizing the spleen and stomach. It is used to treat diseases caused by phlegm-dampness. In Er Chen Pills, Pinellia and Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae dry dampness and resolve phlegm (use dampness-drying drugs to dispel phlegm in the body) and regulate qi and harmonize the stomach, Poria strengthens the spleen and seeps out dampness and enhances the effect of Pinellia and Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae in resolving phlegm, and Licorice strengthens the spleen and harmonizes the middle and blends all the medicines. These herbs work together to dry dampness and resolve phlegm, regulate qi and harmonize the middle (regulating the qi of the spleen and stomach to make the spleen and stomach function smoothly). This formula is commonly used in treating dampness and phlegm syndromes, such as cough and phlegm due to stagnation of phlegm and dampness, nausea and vomiting, and stuffiness and discomfort in the chest. Avoid smoking, alcohol and spicy, cold, raw and greasy food. It is not advisable to take tonic Chinese medicine at the same time while taking the medicine. It is not suitable for dry cough caused by lung yin deficiency. It is contraindicated for those who are allergic to this product and should be used with caution by allergic individuals. Adverse reactions are not clear. Patients are advised to consult a physician before using the drug if they feel unwell.

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