Causes of recurrent periodontal inflammation

Recurrent periodontal inflammation may be caused by cleaning problems, irregular maintenance of periodontitis, and poor control of one’s own disease. 1. Cleaning problems: If the patient does not have the habit of brushing his/her teeth every morning and evening or does not clean them properly, it may lead to a large amount of plaque adhering to the teeth, which will directly lead to recurrent periodontal inflammation. 2. Not regular maintenance of periodontitis: In general, periodontitis treatment requires every six months or a year to the hospital for maintenance, such as daily brushing can not be cleaned tartar and other local promoters can be cleaned off. It should be noted that if the patient once in a while cleaning, can not maintain the teeth every year, may also lead to recurrent periodontal inflammation. 3. Poor control of their own disease: If the patient suffers from diabetes, do not control the development of the disease, will indirectly lead to a large number of plaque replication, the use of sugar as a culture medium, may also lead to recurrent periodontal inflammation. There are many other reasons for recurrent periodontal inflammation, so it is recommended that patients identify the cause of the disease and treat the symptoms.

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