What is posterior disorder? How is it treated?

Clinically, many patients who have undergone cataract surgery complain: I could see very clearly when I first had the surgery, but a few months later, why do I see blurry again? Indeed, about 20-30% of cataract patients in clinical practice will have the above situation. Once a similar situation occurs, you should go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible, and it is possible that a posterior cataract has occurred.

Our current cataract surgery does not remove the whole cataract, but like we eat pumpkin goblet, first remove the cover of about 5mm on the surface (tear off the anterior capsule), dig out the flesh of the pumpkin (remove the cloudy cataract) and implant a suitable IOL into the pumpkin goblet (inside the capsule), some patients will have cloudiness again after surgery due to the proliferation of epithelial cells in the capsule, which is what we call posterior cataract.

There are many reasons for posterior cataracts, such as patient’s age, individual differences, surgical method, IOL material and type, size and smoothness of the intraoperative tearing capsule, etc. Generally speaking, the younger the patient is, the higher the percentage of posterior cataracts will occur.

Posterior cataract is the most common complication of cataract surgery. Once posterior cataract occurs, don’t be anxious, the surgeon can open the cloudy posterior capsule membrane by laser without pain and in a few minutes.

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