Can Toothpaste Remove Age Spots

Toothpaste cannot remove age spots. Age spots are benign tumors of the epidermis, related to skin aging, heredity and other factors, mainly manifested as spots, flat papules or plaques of different sizes on the surface of the skin. Toothpaste contains friction agent or emulsifier, with the toothbrush can brush off the pigment attached to the tooth surface, while age spots are superficial tissue hyperplasia and pigmentation, which can not be brushed off by using toothpaste, so toothpaste can not remove age spots. Age spots clinic usually adopts physical therapy, such as cryotherapy, laser therapy, etc. Local use of hydrogen peroxide solution, liquid nitric acid-zinc composite solution, etc. can also be used under doctor’s guidance, and surgical treatments, such as scraping, chipping, excision, etc. are also available. It is suggested that patients with age spots can go to regular hospitals for treatment and follow the doctor’s instructions.

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