What causes swollen legs during menstruation?

The leg swelling of menstruation is considered premenstrual tension syndrome, and the leg swelling can disappear after the end of menstruation, but other causes of leg swelling should be excluded. Chronic nephritis and nephropathy can cause edema, which is not related to menstrual cycle. Routine urine, renal ultrasound, renal function and 24h urine protein quantification can be investigated, and after clinical diagnosis of chronic nephritis and nephropathy, related examinations should be improved to exclude the possibility of secondary nephropathy, and renal biopsy can be performed after the indication of renal biopsy and exclusion of contraindications, to clarify the pathological type, judge the prognosis, guide the treatment, and according to the results of renal biopsy Hormonal and immunosuppressive therapy can be selected according to the results of renal biopsy. Hypothyroidism can also cause leg swelling, which is not related to the menstrual cycle, and can cause anterior tibial mucinous edema, which can be excluded by thyroid function. In addition, cardiogenic edema can also cause leg swelling, which can be excluded by cardiac ultrasound and BNP. Hepatogenic edema should also be perfected with liver function and liver ultrasound for screening.

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