What’s with the flatulence in the belly button?

Flatulence around the navel may be caused by lack of activity, poor diet, prolonged defecation and inflammatory diseases. 1. Lack of activity: prolonged sitting without activity, long-term bedridden and other reasons lead to slow down the peristalsis of the intestines, intestinal flatulence, may appear around the navel flatulence. 2. Bad eating habits: eating too fast, talking while eating and other bad eating habits, resulting in too much air into the stomach and intestines, flatulence around the navel. 3. Long-term defecation: long-term defecation caused by paralytic intestinal obstruction or mechanical intestinal obstruction, may appear around the navel flatulence, abdominal pain and so on. 4. Inflammatory diseases: chronic gastritis, cholecystitis and other inflammatory diseases may lead to indigestion and flatulence around the navel. Flatulence around the navel can be appropriate exercise, rubbing around the navel to promote the discharge of gas, if you can not relieve or abdominal pain, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner, a clear diagnosis, active treatment.

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