How are cataracts treated?


Many inpatients have had a history of medication but have not achieved good results and eventually opt for surgery as their condition progresses. So, how do you choose to treat cataracts?

For any disease, prevention is more important than treatment. Cataracts are difficult to prevent effectively because of their different etiologies. For the most common type of cataract, age-related cataract, there is no effective non-surgical treatment to cure cataract. However, the only effective treatment is not the same as the need for immediate surgery. The question of indications for surgery is also relevant here. If the visual acuity is below 0.4 due to the cloudy lens, we can consider cataract ultrasound emulsification surgery combined with IOL implantation to completely solve the reduced visual acuity due to the cloudy lens. In addition, we can correct the preoperative refractive error by implanting IOLs of different diopters to optimize the refractive status of the patient.

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