Is it normal for the leukorrhea to be yellowish when it dries?

Leukorrhea dry is light yellow, if there is no obvious odor, there is no vulvar itching performance, generally belong to the normal situation; if accompanied by obvious odor, vulvar itching and other symptoms, generally belong to the abnormal situation, it is recommended to consult a doctor to find out the cause, under the guidance of the doctor treatment. Because the leukorrhea may become yellowish after oxidation, it is recommended to keep the vulva clean and hygienic, and change the underwear frequently to avoid infection and other problems. If the leukorrhea is yellowish, accompanied by odor and vulvar itching, it may be caused by vaginitis. Patients can follow the doctor’s instructions to apply clotrimazole cream, metronidazole suppositories and other treatment. At the same time, pay attention to the daily bath towels and change of underwear for high temperature disinfection or ultraviolet radiation disinfection. Patients with yellowish leukorrhea accompanied by obvious discomfort need to go to the hospital, follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment, the application of drugs need to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.

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