Is it normal for a 9 year old to get his period?

Menstruation is generally clinically known as menstruation, and menstruation at the age of 9 is generally an abnormal performance. According to the general law of human growth and development, girls enter puberty at the age of 10-11 years old, the sign of sexual maturity of women is generally the endometrium cyclic bleeding, that is, the formation of menstruation, menstruation for the first time, known as menarche. Usually the first menstruation before the age of ten is the clinical manifestation of precocious puberty, the age of the first menstruation of girls mostly occurs between 13-14 years old. Starting menstruation at the age of nine, this early onset of menstruation may be caused by individual differences in children’s development. As a whole, girls who have early onset of menstruation generally enter puberty at an earlier age as well. If the patient has already started menstruation at the age of nine, it is recommended that the patient be taken to a children’s specialized hospital for consultation, and according to the results of the examination, treatment will be tailored to the cause of the disease.

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