What does it mean to be artificially prepared for pregnancy?

Artificial insemination is commonly used to improve the conception rate of a man and woman who have not been able to conceive a child after a long period of natural insemination, through some human intervention during the period of insemination. The opposite of natural preparation is artificial preparation, which means that both men and women do not do anything to improve the conception rate during the preparation period. Both the man and the woman are in a relaxed mood, abstain from smoking and alcohol, and maintain a good lifestyle to ensure the quality of the sperm and eggs, which in turn improves the conception rate. Women usually start ovulating 14 days before their next menstrual period, so by testing the time of ovulation, you can increase the rate of sperm and egg binding to improve the conception rate. It is recommended to follow the guidance of professional doctors and actively cooperate with the treatment of any disease that affects the conception, so as to avoid delaying the condition.

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