Is it normal to urinate so urgently that you can’t go to the bathroom when you’re pregnant?

When you are pregnant and you have to urinate very urgently to go to the toilet, it may be a normal condition or there may be a pathological condition such as a urinary tract infection. During pregnancy, some women experience frequent and urgent urination, which are normal. As the weeks of pregnancy increase, the enlarged uterus may press on the bladder, leading to a decrease in the volume of urine in the bladder, which can cause a decrease in the volume of urine, urgency, and an increase in the frequency of urination. However, if the urgency of urination is accompanied by urinary pain and other conditions, it is important to pay attention to check the urine routine, etc. It may also be caused by urinary tract infection. Usually do not pay attention to hygiene, bacteria invasion. During pregnancy, you should maintain a happy mood, pay more attention to rest, and do not exercise strenuously. Dietary attention to control the intake of salt, eat less and more meals. If pathologically caused, go to the hospital in time.

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