What is sebaceous gland ectasia?

Sebaceous ectasia is a sebaceous gland disorder. Sebaceous ectasia is usually caused by developmental deformity of sebaceous glands or sebaceous gland hyperplasia, which occurs on the lips, oral mucosa, male genital skin and mucous membranes, and female genital mucous membranes. The etiology of sebaceous gland ectasia is not very clear at present, and it is generally believed to be related to endocrine disorders, local irritation and trauma. Typical manifestations of sebaceous ectasia are the appearance of small, flat papules without obvious elevation on the skin and mucous membranes, independently distributed or partially clustered, yellowish or whitish in color, and generally without pain, swelling, itching, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Don’t be nervous if sebaceous gland ectasia occurs, this disease is a benign lesion, usually does not affect the health, usually does not need to do special treatment. If the patient has the need for treatment, it is recommended to go to a professional medical institution, and follow the doctor’s instructions to give laser treatment and surgical treatment to get rid of.

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