Difference between Jia Wei Yi Yao Wan and Dan Yuan Yuan Yao Wan

The same kind of medicine as Danjuania Yiuyao Wan, is to add gardenia and danpi on the basis of Yiuyao Wan, let the medicine increase the efficacy of clearing fire, danpi can clear the fire of liver and gallbladder, gardenia can clear the fire of three jiao, danjuania Yiuyao Wan can be applied to the disease of liver depression and blood deficiency, there is depression and heat inside. The reason is that liver depression and blood deficiency for a long time, it will produce heat and fire, at this time the use of prodigal pills already can not calm its fire and heat, usually have menstrual irregularities, excessive menstrual flow, hot flashes, irritability, small abdominal distension and pain, dizziness, spontaneous sweating and night sweating and other symptoms, you can take Dan Gardenia Prodigal Pills or add flavor prodigal pills. During the period of taking medicine, you should keep a good state of mind, regulate your emotions and ensure regular rest and rest time, and at the same time pay attention to your diet and consume less cold, spicy and stimulating food, otherwise it will affect the effectiveness of the medicine. Eat more light, easily digestible, nutritious, spleen and blood nourishing food, which can improve the body and relieve the condition.

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