Why can’t you gain weight from eating? What is it?

The reason for not eating fat is mainly due to irrational diet structure, poor digestion and absorption, or some diseases, such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes and other related. 1. Dietary structure is unreasonable: when the dietary structure is unreasonable for a long time, especially the intake of carbohydrates, protein, fat content is insufficient, the human body may not eat fat. So in the diet needs to be appropriate to strengthen the proportion of these three nutrients, especially the protein content, helps to help weight gain. 2. Poor digestion and absorption: a part of the population due to its digestive capacity is relatively weak, after the intake of food, the digestive tract in the protease, lipase, amylase and other content is not enough, resulting in the intake of food is not fully digested and absorbed, so eat not fat. This group of people can be appropriate consumption of pepsin, probiotics, etc. to promote the absorption of nutrients. 3. Other disease factors: there are some diseases, such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes can lead to more food but not fat, when found that the amount of food is relatively large, at the same time, weight loss, the need to consult a doctor, to rule out this kind of pathological factors. There are many other reasons for not eating fat, if after adjusting the diet structure can not be improved, it is recommended to seek medical attention to find the cause of the above medication as prescribed by the doctor.

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