How long after cesarean section is normal for exhaustion

After a cesarean delivery, it is normal to pass gas for about 48 hours. Anesthesia for cesarean delivery is combined lumbar and rigid anesthesia. With this type of anesthesia, there is a possibility that intestinal peristalsis may be inhibited. Therefore, the mother will experience slowed bowel movements and intestinal distention after the operation. Nowadays, postoperative fast care has been added to all nursing care, and appropriate nursing services are given to help ventilate as soon as possible after cesarean delivery in order to recover quickly. However, despite all the auxiliary methods, the time for venting after surgery is usually about 48 hours. If intestinal motility, there is a situation of intestinal muscle paralysis, the time of exhaustion is relatively late, and gastrointestinal decompression may be performed. If the intestinal function returns to normal, the exhaustion is relatively quick, and there are cases where the exhaustion occurs on the same day after surgery.

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