What should I do if I have a fetal malformation?

  Patient: Description of the condition (onset, main symptoms, hospital visited, etc.): The fetus is 6 months old (25w) and the 4D ultrasound revealed a bulging umbilical cord with a diameter of 26MM, with intestinal canal and liver, will the gap increase as the fetus grows? Can we still have this fetus? What is the cure rate and survival rate after birth? What is the approximate cost? Does it have to be delivered by C-section?  Guangzhou Children’s Hospital neonatal department Yu Jiakang: If the liver bulge, it is estimated that the diameter of the defect at birth is more than 5cm, which is a huge umbilical bulge. Umbilical bulge can be treated, if it can be repaired within 12 hours after birth, most children with defects can be repaired at once, otherwise the repair will be staged, or use artificial patches, if the above methods do not work, conservative treatment. The outcome depends on the size of the defect and whether it is combined with other serious malformations. In our experience, if there are no other serious malformations, the outcome is satisfactory in nearly 90% of children with even huge umbilical bulges. Although foreign studies have shown that neither natural birth nor cesarean section has any effect on the disease, cesarean section is recommended to avoid rupture of the bulging capsule during delivery. From now on, the ultrasound should be reviewed regularly.

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