What are foods high in zinc?

Foods high in zinc include shellfish, red meats, animal offal and other animal foods. Calculated on the basis of the content of 100g of edible parts, the zinc content of oysters, sea oyster meat and scallops is 71.2mg, 47.05mg and 11.69mg respectively. Dried fruits, cereal germ and wheat bran are also rich in zinc; cheese, shrimp, oats, peanut butter and peanuts are good sources of zinc. Plant foods, however, are low in zinc, and excessive processing can result in significant zinc loss; for example, about 80% of zinc is lost when wheat is processed into refined flour. Zinc is very important for the human body, it helps human growth and development, but also can promote body repair, improve immunity. Most of the food in life contains a certain amount of zinc, in the usual meals when choosing food, should be as much as possible to choose a rich category. If anemia, loss of appetite, recurrent diarrhea, mouth ulcers and other symptoms, you should consult a doctor to find out whether the zinc deficiency, and under the guidance of the doctor zinc supplement, so as not to delay the condition.

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