LDL 4.6, everything else is normal, what should I do?

LDL 4.6mmol/L is normal for all other indicators, and lipid-lowering therapy is recommended. The normal value of LDL is less than 3.4mmol/L, 3.4~4.1mmol/L belongs to the borderline level, more than 4.1mmol/L belongs to the elevated level, 4.6mmol/L has already exceeded the level, and at the same time, due to the fact that the LDL is the risk factor of atherosclerosis, and the elevated level of LDL is closely related to atherosclerosis diseases, such as coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, etc., therefore, it is necessary to carry out active lipid-lowering treatment. Therefore, active lipid-lowering treatment is needed. First of all, it is necessary to improve the bad lifestyle, quit smoking and drinking, maintain appropriate aerobic exercise, and avoid oily and high salt food in diet. If necessary, the patient can receive medication for intensive lipid-lowering, such as statins like Rosuvastatin, cholesterol absorption inhibitors like ezetimibe, and bile acid sequestering agents like colesevelam. It is recommended to consult a doctor for standardized diagnosis and treatment if necessary.

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