How to take chickweed is good for kidney stones

Chicken Neijin belongs to the bladder, small intestine, stomach, spleen meridian, has the effect of eliminating food and strengthening the stomach (to promote food digestion, strengthen the function of the stomach and internal organs), lymphatic stone, astringent spermatozoa and stopping spermatorrhea (to consolidate the semen and prevent and control spermatorrhea), generally can be decocted with water or powdered to be taken to the better for the treatment of kidney stones. Chicken Neijin can eliminate food and strengthen the stomach, treating abdominal distension caused by food stagnation (indigestion of food and stagnation of food in the stomach), poor appetite, diarrhea, etc. It can also astringe spermatozoa and stop ejaculation, and is used for the treatment of kidney stones. It can also astringe spermatozoa and stop emmenagogia, and is used to treat spermatorrhea or emmenagogia. It is also used to eliminate stones in the treatment of lithiasis (increased frequency of urination, astringent and painful dribbling) caused by damp-heat in the bladder. Generally speaking, it can be used to treat kidney stones and gallstones by combining it with other medicines and then decocting it and taking the juice, or it can be powdered and then taken. Both ways are possible. The adverse effects and contraindications of Chickweed are uncertain. The drug should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

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