Is it good to get up in the middle of the night to drink water

Drinking water in the middle of the night is not good, on the one hand, it will affect the quality of sleep, on the other hand, the body’s metabolism is slow at night, the whole body circulatory system is running more slowly, drinking water in the middle of the night will increase the burden on the kidneys, resulting in eye puffiness, eye bags. Drinking water every day should be about 2000ml, do not wait until you feel thirsty and then drink, when the body is in a state of extreme dehydration. Drinking water every morning can help detoxify the kidneys and liver, drink water after work can relieve the morning busy and nervous, drink water at noon to replenish the water lost in the morning, help relieve work tension. Drinking water after lunch to enhance the body’s digestive function, drinking water in the afternoon can play a refreshing role, drinking water before dinner can increase the feeling of satiety, thereby reducing the amount of dinner eaten. Do not drink too much water at night before bedtime to avoid going to the bathroom at night, affecting sleep.

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